Rules & Info


  • There are 3 players per team on the field, the size of which is determined by the organising committee.

  • The game consists of two 7 minute chukkas of playing time with an interval of 15 minutes.

  • To ensure fair and unbiased play, tuk tuk, drivers and goal ends will be changed at half time.

  • No team may have more that two tuks tuks in one half at any given time.

  • Only one tuk tuk of each side may enter the goalmouth D.

  • All tuks tuks will be supplied by the club.

  • No tuk tuk can stop in front of the goals.

  • All participants except tuks tuks must wear a protective helmet.

  • Gentleman may only play with their right hand, ladies may use both hands, in the event of a dispute about a player’s sex the umpire’s decision will be final.

  • In the event of an accident, play stops until the tuk tuk or player is replaced. Teams can have up to 3 replacement players.

  • At half time and final whistle, tuk tuks can fuel up, drivers can have water and players an arrack sour but not vice versa.

  • Due to new laws any tuk tuk overtaking on the left maybe subject to a Rs. 25,000.00 fine.


  • Hooking the opponent’s stick.

  • Deliberately crossing a tuk tuk from which the ball is being played.

  • Standing over the ball, backing or going forward over the ball to stop a player reaching the ball.

  • Intentional hitting of opponents or the umpire (hitting a team member is encouraged).

  • Any dispute will be settled by the committee whose decision is final Approved by the Ceylon Polo Club.